Author: admin

The Fruit of the Proclamation of the Kingdom: Repentance and Ongoing Conversion

The Fruit of the Proclamation of the Kingdom: Repentance and Ongoing Conversion

The fruit of the third luminous mystery is the spiritual program of our entire lives as Catholic Christians: to repent and be converted, one day at a time.  As Fr. Thomas Dubay pointed out in his treasure-of-a-book, Deep Conversion/Deep Prayer, the first recorded words of Christ’s public ministry were a call to conversion: “Be converted,…

The Fruit of the Finding of Jesus in the Temple: Joy in Finding Jesus

The Fruit of the Finding of Jesus in the Temple: Joy in Finding Jesus

There are so many directions one could take in unpacking the Fifth Joyful Mystery, but with Christmas approaching, I’d like to turn our attention to the path of evangelization.  Stores are in-gear for shopping sprees, our eyes catch the twinkling of Christmas lights, and holiday jingles reach our ears…but how many of our neighbours are…